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Magnetize Yourself by Raising Your Vibration Program:
Attract Peace, Calm, & Ease in Manifestation!

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Magnetic power of heart.jfif

Researchers at the Heart Math Institute in California have discovered that the heart sends out an electromagnetic field almost three feet from your body. This electromagnetic field is created internally from the emotions and thoughts we feel in our bodies and wraps around us. Depending on what emotion or feeling your heart sends to your brain, will impact the different frequencies or vibrations you are giving off within your energy field.

You are about to learn the wisdom of all saints, sages & spiritual gurus: if you vibrate high, you are happier, calmer, and connected to the quantum realm where probability turns into possibility.

But if you vibrate low you are sad, angry, and irritated, negatively affecting your personal and business life.

If you have any questions and would like to know more about the

Magnetize Yourself by Raising Your Vibration Program,

please email & I will be happy to help.


Does this sound like you?

Are you experiencing a sense of fear, an inability to focus, rising panic, and a feeling that things are out of your control, you are likely in a state of overwhelm. These feelings can lead to anxiety, anger, unhealthy stress, and burnout if left untreated. If you are looking for a way to move from stress and overwhelm to peace and tranquility you are at the right place.

Introducing the Magnetise Yourself by Raising Your Vibration course 


Master The Techniques to Raise Your Vibration!

Here you will learn 5 different ways to raise your vibration. That includes knowledge of how we emit vibes, a map of consciousness, the power of words, connecting with your higher self, & ease of manifestation by raising your vibration.


Session 1.

It's important to know that our emotion indicates our vibrational frequency. In this session, you will discover that whatever vibration we emit in the universe brings back similar situations, events, or people in our lives. This is how the "Law of Attraction" works. As energetic beings, our bodies “vibrate” emitting a frequency

which comes from our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. 


Session 2.

Understand that awareness is one of the major components needed to raise our vibration. In this training, you will learn that the map of consciousness developed by 'Dr. David R. Hawkins' explains the different frequencies of emotions and their corresponding level of consciousness. Each level of consciousness has an attractor field. We are living magnets, and we attract to us exactly what we send out in this universe. 


Session 3.

How to use the power of words to benefit the way we think, feel, and vibrate. In this training, you will learn the impact of your words on people, animals, or plants in your vicinity. Every word we use sends a specific vibration impacting everyone in our vicinity.  As well as your thoughts, feelings, and potential. We need to be aware of how we speak, the tone, and the expression we use.


Session 4.

How to connect with your Higher Self and raise your vibration. When your personality is fully developed, integrated, and evolved it becomes an instrument through which your soul can fulfill its goals on planet earth. It becomes more than a personality & evolves into your higher self. As your higher self, you will express truth and love in all that you say and do. 


Session 5.

Learn How Raising Your Vibration Quickens Manifestation. Whatever energy we send into the universe gets attracted to energies of an equal frequency or vibration. As per the 'Law of Attraction' what we focus upon becomes our point of attraction. Manifestation happens when our vibration aligns with that. Our vibration matches our point of attraction when we let go of resistance. When we let go of resistance we are more aligned with the source (GOD). So, we feel good and raise our emotional set point at a given time. By raising our emotional set point we raise your vibration.

What people are saying!

This is what Monica said!

Dear Urmil, you are such a wonderful person and that is reflected in your coaching. You make people feel comfortable, empathize with their problems without judgment, listen patiently, and provide simple and amicable solutions. It is wonderful. The World needs more people like you. You are just awesome. Thanks a ton! Monica

Listen to what Charisma has to say!

Listen to what Ninie has to say!

Join The Course!

How Can I Help You?

  • Fully certified, I’ve been successfully coaching clients to help them achieve what they want by helping them understand universal principles and laws. 

  • If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands, my services aim to introduce clarity and remove confusion.

  • I also teach techniques and processes to better manage the emotional stress of everyday life and develop self-motivation.

  • Want to be sure if life coaching is the right choice for you? Contact me for a free 30-45 minutes discovery session on Zoom. 

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