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Custom Visualization Meditation is a very powerful suggestive technique made specific to your need.

It is the act of seeing in your mind’s eye what you want to attract in your life. Your clear intention plus an elevated emotion manifests your desire. The best time to do this technique is when you are in semi trance/meditative state. This is when you have access to your subconscious mind and you can rewrite your habits and subconscious programs. Let your friends and relatives know about this too.

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What you need to do?

To purchase your customized Creative Visualization Meditation hit the PayPal (Buy Now) icon above or on the side.
Send me an email  with following details:
  • Write down all that you want to erase from your life
  • Write down all that you want to add or see in your life
  • Write down all your desires that you want to achieve
Send me an email at 
Once you have made the payment, and I receive the email with required details you will receive your customized Creative Visualization Meditation Audio with background trance music within a week. Let me know your preferred language. English or Hindi?
It's price is only 9.99 USD
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